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Emilee Annine Moeller
Author of Bestseller, Eat, Pray, HCG
Kindle Coach Pro

Author Lab

From: $175.00 / month for 4 months


Author Lab is a 3 month program lead by bestselling author Emilee Annine Moeller, that consists of group coaching calls, online trainings, writing dates, and community/accountability support.

By the end of the Lab, you will have all the knowledge, tools and tasks executed to successfully launch your book or increase your sales. You may also use the lab to develop your marketing plan as you write your book.

Training and Coaching covers:

  • High converting cover design
  • Interior design
  • Amazon sales page optimization
  • All the tools to publish on Amazon
  • Marketing plan
  • Author Brand

Group coaching/trainings will occur twice a month and the recordings will be available to all members to view and review at any time. You will get INDIVIDUAL, hot seat coaching by me, as well as trainings by myself and guest experts (on audiobooks, PR, marketing, social media, etc).

We will also cover innovative and efficient ways to publish our books, as well as to market our books to sell more and connect to more readers. This will be a space to find accountability for your author goals and creative goals as a writer.

The goal of the 3 month lab is to maximize book and author visibility, maximize book sales, and foster authentic creative expression for each author in the group. No matter where you are at on your author journey, Author Lab is designed to move you past your blocks, find support in the sometimes lonely profession of authorship, and ultimately bring in more financial stability for you as a writer and artist.

If you are embarking on publishing a book, this is a perfect chance for you to get the tools to do that quickly, easily and with SUPPORT!

BONUS: Sign up before August 1 and get a FREE 1:1 coaching session!!!